I know I haven't posted a lot recently. I've been dealing with a lot of stuff and it's been difficult to collect my thoughts for a coherent post. I am currently experiencing the "Terrible Threes" with Brandt and it's sucking the life out of me. The screeching and spitting and screaming and shoving Lillian. And the "MINE!" - I swear that's all he says lately. I will be borrowing a few discipline books from a friend of mine so hopefully I can get some good parenting advice there. My sister-in-law has 2 boys (6 & 8) so she's been through this all before. I spoke with her yesterday and she assured me it's completely normal, but I can't help but feel like I'm one of "those moms" that you see on Supernanny that can't control her child.
My grandma is not doing well at all. I went to Phoenix on Monday to visit my parents and to see her, and she definitely is close to the end. My mom and dad have done everything to care for her, it's really admirable how much they have taken on. My mom has been making funeral arrangements and compiling pictures for a scrapbook & DVD collage. My grandma is 95 and has had an amazing journey. Born at home in 1914, she was not expected to survive. Her grandmother wrapped her up and placed her near the oven to keep her warm. Now, almost 96 years later, she has outlived her 4 younger brothers. I have many happy memories of growing up in her house and I know she will be at peace soon.
My parents had 3 dogs: 2 black labs & 1 golden lab. The older black lab, Bishop, passed away a week ago. She was very old and her legs just didn't want to work anymore. She could hardly get up and her back legs often collapsed beneath her when she did manage to get up. She was around 14 years old and my parents knew it was her time. Needless to say, my parents have been going through a lot lately. I was happy to go to Phoenix on Monday to visit them, and I'm glad they were able to come to Tucson yesterday. They need that time off and the distraction.
Your parents must be having a VERY difficult time. I will keep them in my prayers!
Just a random dropping in. Let me reassure you that you aren't the only one going through the whole "Mine!" thing at the moment. My 2 year old spends about 80% of the day saying it to her younger sister at the moment. We've also got the hitting action happening. I don't look forward to seeing that we have screeching and spitting to come...
I'm sorry about your grandmother and dog :( RIP.
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