Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Why I Shop Online

Because my kid won't sit still longer than 5 minutes.

And because there is more variety.

And the shipping cost is usually cheaper than the gas required to drive to and from the store.

And I L.O.V.E. Amazon ... mostly because you can buy practically anything and have it shipped for free if you spend at least $25. Just yesterday I got an amazing deal on a pair of shoes for Brandt. I think it's completely insane to spend a lot of money on children's shoes, but I figured I would splurge a little on this pair. $25 is a little high, but since they were regularly $73 I couldn't pass them up. Besides, now Brandt can be the fashionable one in the family with fancy shoes. I will continue to buy mine at Payless and Target.

I also bought Slummy Mummy, which I'm hoping proves to be as entertaining as the excerpt I read in Vogue while at the gym. Of course I was flipping through Vogue for the 15 minutes I was on the elliptical, then I decided I still had 45 minutes of free child care so I took the magazine to a little corner and sat there and read it. By myself. All alone. Peacefully. Now if only I could do this AND finish a cup of coffee without having to heat it up in the microwave (three times) I'd be on track for blissful morning.

Originally I was going to write a brilliant post titled "Confessions of a Slacker Mom" but since I feel like crap today I decided I would wait until I was feeling a little more brilliant than I do today. So you'll just have to wait.

How many ibuprofen is too many? And with an iced-coffee chaser? Is that bad? I'm thinking not, because I'm starting to feel better. But that might be because Brandt is napping.

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